Who We Are
Since 1949 Ohio Building Restoration has been a trusted partner providing building restoration solutions.

With over 65 years of experience, Ohio Building Restoration has provided strategic and technical expertise to promote the viability, reuse, and integrity of historic buildings.
We offer expert solutions for all restoration needs.
From large rebuilds to small emergency repairs.
Time and time again, our customers find our expertise to be the difference maker. Particularly for restoration projects involving Universities, Colleges, Churches, Public Buildings, School Buildings, Apartments, and Commercial Buildings.
The Rosary Cathedral is the gem of the Catholic Diocese of Toledo. This breathtaking cathedral built in the Spanish Platteresque style had its cornerstone laid in 1926. The Monsignor doesn’t let just anyone work on his cathedral. That’s why Ohio Building Restoration was pleased to be selected to help diagnose and design a plan.
Ohio Building Restoration oversaw the totally new Spanish Tile Roofing system installation over the entrance and performed a total restoration of the area including 100% tuckpointing and stone repairs. Just another example of Ohio Building Restoration being trusted with the most sensitive of historical projects.